Tweet Of The Week!

Sometimes it’s really hard to come up with interesting ideas to blog about.  Between work and my siblings graduating last night I haven’t really had a lot of time to think about interesting things to blog about, so I decided to do what I always do when I don’t know something….I googled it!  And Google gave me a pretty good idea: tell the story behind one tweets this past week.  Now I could go into detail again about exes pushing my buttons and making me upset or my brother and sister or my new job…. but I feel like I talk about those things way often than anyone cares about….So instead I scrolled though my twitter feed and decided to use this one!Image

Right now I typically work everyday from 8-5 but I always get a lunch break around noon.  I live close enough to work so that I could go home and eat butttttttt I always go and visit my grandma because it really makes her happy to see me everyday.  She always makes me the best food and it’s something different each day….but this week she made me chicken that tastes like WOW chicken.  For those of you who don’t know, WOW chicken is basically the best chicken in the world.  The only place I’ve ever had it has been on my campus but it’s fantastic.  I was pretty bummed when I thought I would be without it all summer, but now that my grandma basically has the recipe… 😉

I really hope that this post was at least a little interesting to read, because it was fun for me to write!  Maybe different is pretty good!


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