
So. I’ve officially gotten two big fat rejection emails from two different grad schools. (University of Toledo and Ohio University). It sucks to a point, BUT I have a positive outlook. Yesterday Taylor Swift announced the first half of the tour dates for her reputation tour. Some of these dates would have been when I was already back in school, so now I won’t have to worry about those particular options!

Lol. But in other news, her album was released on Friday!! And because of who I am as a person, I needed to film a reaction video listening to it for the first time. So, here that is. Enjoy my emotional self.


Let me know what you think! Do you have a favorite song from the album? I still don’t think I can decide yet!



1 Second Each Day: October 2017

October was a month that brought big changes for me. I knew I wanted to document it in a unique way, and I chose to do so with a quick video! I took a one second video each day and this is what resulted! It’s so interesting that sometimes, it seems impossible to capture an entire day in just one second, and other days it seems impossible to find anything that’s worth capturing even just for that second. Regardless, I made it! Here’s the video, let me know if I should keep up with it going into November as well 🙂




For those of you who don’t know, I’m a photographer. In my downtime, I enjoy taking and editing self portraits just to practice new looks and improve my style. I had a half day of work at my “day” job today, so I decided to take advantage of the gloomy afternoon and take a few self portraits.

It’s almost Halloween, so I guess you can say I kind of resemble a doll. This is actually taken in my backyard, and I was lucky enough to have my neighbor let his cows out to pose with me too. I love being able to look out at this view every day, and I love being able to have such curious cows close by! Once I finish editing the rest of the images, I’ll post them to the blog on my photography website ( so you can check them out there!

This makes me happy. I’m glad I finally found the time to do it again 🙂


Halloween Weekend.

Ah yes. The Saturday before Halloween is always one of my least favorites. I never got into parties when I was living on campus and now that I’m only in school online, I feel like it’s even worse. My best friend and I aren’t talking, and my boyfriend is going out without me (long distance problems). I’ve worked every day since this past Wednesday and don’t have an off day until Tuesday. AKA, my plans for tonight involve sitting at home with my mom watching Grey’s Anatomy and trying to dig myself out of a giant homework pile. I really don’t mind it, but it kind of makes me feel like I’m missing out on something I should be experiencing at this age. I’m 21. I should be dressing up and going out with a group of friends. But here I am, 5:30pm already in my PJs. Sometimes I feel sad and sometimes I feel like I’m missing out, but in reality I have my warm bed and endless Netflix episodes. My mom is making me dinner, and I don’t really need to be doing anything else tonight. I just wish I had more consistent friends.

But oh well. Here’s to hoping for next year.


Surprising Grad School Update?

So. Two days ago, my transcripts were finally verified through my PTCAS application. October 25th is 24 days late for the majority of schools I applied for, so I wasn’t expecting much. I came to terms with missing the deadline for all of my Ohio schools, but maybe I wasn’t being patient enough. Since my application went through, I’ve heard back that Regis University (Colorado) is reviewing it (which I met the November 1 deadline so that’s good!) but I wasn’t expecting anything from anywhere else. BUT to my surprise, I’VE GOTTEN EMAILS FROM BOTH OSU AND OU, TWO OF MY TOP SCHOOLS. They’ve both just requested for me to fill out an additional supplemental application, but I didn’t think I would hear anything at all! I was 100% under the impression that I had missed the deadline and wasn’t even being considered anymore. I almost cried getting the emails, because my hope has been restored. Hopefully this will bring positive news. I don’t really have much of an update, but pray for me!


Oh! I’ve also been picking up extra days at work to get extra $$$ for Ireland so yay for me! Hopefully I hear back soon about the credit card I applied for so I can put the majority of the payments for this trip on it. That way, I can get great cash back and bonus $$ for signing up! Woo!

Booking A Trip To Ireland??

Alright. I said I wanted to get my life back on track and have a plan, and today I took a step in that direction. I booked a trip to Ireland to spend St. Patrick’s Day there next year.

You read that right. WHAT. I’m crazy, I know. I wasn’t really even thinking, but I saw something about spending the holiday there and I just thought it sounded like SO much fun. The next thing I knew was that I was pulling out my credit card and making it official.

After having plans set to start grad school next year, I suddenly didn’t have any plans once I realized that I didn’t get in. I’m a planner and knowing that I had nothing scheduled or put in place after December of this year was giving me some serious anxiety. I needed to do something that would make me feel like I wasn’t wasting my time in my unexpected off year. Traveling is just a fun way to go about doing that!

Don’t get me wrong, I spent about half an hour crunching numbers and making sure I’d be able to afford everything (I’m not stupid, I know what I can handle!) and know that I can absolutely make this work. I put down more than the deposit amount today and just have four easy monthly payments left. With all the work I do, this trip shouldn’t be a problem. It may be hard and things may get a little tight, but I’m so excited!! This will be such a great way to free my mind and set my spirit free.

I’m looking forward to having plans in 2018 instead of just feeling like my life will crumble apart once I graduate. Here’s to my first big kid adventure (ALONE!) and to all the neat experiences I’ll find myself wrapped in. Oh, and imagine all of the pictures I’ll get – YAY!


New YouTube Vlog Channel!

Hello blogging world! I feel like it has been SO long since I’ve updated this, and I want to tell you why! Lately, life has been really good and I’ve wanted to document it in more of an exciting way than just words on a screen-so I’ve started a YouTube channel! Below I’ve posted a link to my most recent video. This summer I took a family vacation to travel around Southern Germany and made vlogs (video blogs) throughout the entire trip.  It’s a great way for me to share my experiences with everyone and a unique way to remember what happened while there. I hope you enjoy watching as much as I enjoyed being there and I promise to keep my actual blogging life up to date when someone monumental happens, but for now, enjoy!

The acceptance phase is here…

I love this.

Until I Get Over You

My least favorite time of the day is now the morning. The crushing heartache doesn’t come at night anymore, but instead is there to greet me as my eyes flutter open. I remember over and over that he is really gone, that he doesn’t want to fight for me anymore. Then, I plaster a brave smile on my face and function, because there is no other choice. I’m not telling him I’m sad anymore either – I’ve relieved him of his duty of carrying both of our pain.

I’ve found a room in the hospital in the last two days – it’s a spiritual room lined with chairs, and is always empty. I find myself sitting there at lunchtimes, head in my hands, trying to stop the tears from coming. I’ve talked to myself? God? the universe? whoever could hear me, and asked for wisdom to accept the fact we were always…

View original post 173 more words

Book Review: The Longest Ride, Nicholas Sparks


I typically don’t read very often, but I thought I should pick up a book to bring on vacation with me, so that’s what I did! Last week I read The Longest Ride by Nicholas Sparks. This is the first of his books that I’ve read and he has a different writing style than I’m used to. Instead of narrating the entire book from one character’s perspective, he alternates from three different people in two separate story lines that meet within the final chapters of the book.  I really enjoyed this because I felt as if I knew what each character was thinking and where each stood in the eyes of each other.  Although it was difficult to get through Ira’s story (he was an elderly man trapped in his car after running off the road) it was well worth it at the end.  The letters that Ira and his wife, Ruth, shared were absolutely beautiful and Sparks did a wonderful job crafting them. Sophia and Luke also had a beautiful love story that particularly interested me because of the college campus setting alongside the country lifestyle described on Luke’s ranch.  Even though I’m not going to give anything away, I’m going to say that this book really tugs at your heart and can leave you craving more. If you’re looking for a lazy day read, this book is a wonderful choice! Enjoy and let me know what you think about it!
